Saturday, April 23, 2011

Very Small Ladies Knuckle Duster

Small Ladies Knuckle Duster - very small size ladies knuckle duster, Made specifically for very small hands, and most suited to women, but could be used by men with slim fingers, I do know some male teenagers who can wear these size knuckle dusters.

The size is Small / Medium hands, and will NOT fit large fingers, a few of the pictures in this post demonstrate the size of the knuckle duster when held by a medium size hand, They also show the small size knuckle dusters compared with a normal size knuckle duster, as you can see I can just fit these on my fingers, but would NOT be able to use them.

The design is that of a standard Knuckle duster that can be bought commercially, but the size is considerably smaller than anything you could buy from widespread sellers.
Features Oval finger holes and a flat palm rest, Weight is obviously low due to its size, they could also be concealed reasonably easily due to it's size, that's if you were to risk carrying such an item.

Also features four spikes which I feel are a good edition to these small knuckle dusters because it gives a female (or whoever a wears them) a advantage against a potential foe/attacker.
These feature No makers mark, but are made by the same person who made some of my other Knuckle dusters.

Dimensions - 90mm wide, 60mm high, 6mm thick, Finger holes are approx - 17mm wide and 22mm high,

Overall a nice little knuckle duster, great for a collection due to the rarity of this size duster.

Please leave a comment letting me know what you think! Thanks.

Also Known as - Бокс (оръжие), Puny americà, Boxer (zbraň), Dyrnau haearn, Knojern, Schlagring, Puño de acero, Puño Americano, Altzairuzko ukabila, Nyrkkirauta, Tirapugni, ナックルダスター, Kastete, Kastet, Buku lima, Boksbeugel, Knokejern, Soco-inglês, Кастет, Boksar (orožje), Knogjärn, Muşta, 鐵蓮花, Knuckle dusters, knuckles,Brass Knuckles, Brass Knucks, Poing Americain

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